Solid Security

Reduce your WordPress website’s risk to nearly zero with Solid Security

Solid Security is a WordPress plugin designed to enhance the security of your website, focusing on password protection, two-factor authentication, and defense against brute force attacks. Formerly known as iThemes Security, it aims to significantly reduce the risk of security breaches on your WordPress site.

On average, approximately 30,000 websites face hacking attempts every day, with cyberattacks in the US witnessing a 57% increase in 2022. The plugin addresses the continuous 24/7/365 threat posed by malicious actors aiming to compromise your site, steal data, and disrupt your business.

To safeguard your site, Solid Security employs a proactive and strategic security approach, shielding it from cyberattacks and potential vulnerabilities. The Brute Force Protection Network, consisting of nearly 1 million sites, automatically identifies and locks out malicious users, leveraging your own blacklist. It particularly focuses on securing the user login authentication, a commonly targeted area.

The integration of Patchstack in the Pro version ensures your site is protected before you can address vulnerabilities, even before a patch is issued by a plugin or theme developer.

Key Features:

  • Quick Setup: Secure your WordPress website in under 10 minutes, catering to users of all technical levels.
  • Security Site Templates: Tailor security settings based on your website type, choosing from templates like Ecommerce, Network, Non-Profit, Blog, Portfolio, and Brochure.
  • Real-Time Security Dashboard: The Pro version provides a dynamic dashboard displaying security stats, including brute force attacks, banned users, active lockouts, and more.
  • WordPress Login Security: Features such as Two Factor Authentication (2FA), Password Requirements, reCAPTCHA (Pro), Passwordless Logins (Pro), Trusted Devices (Pro), and Automated Vulnerability Patching (Pro).
  • User Levels and Security: Customize security levels for different user groups, like clients and customers.
  • Brute Force Protection: Block bad bots, ban user agents, and implement local and network brute force protection.
  • Security Health Monitoring: Keep track of file changes, run site scans for vulnerabilities, and monitor user activity logs.
  • Website Security Utilities: Enforce SSL, create database backups, and utilize advanced security tools like identifying server IPs and changing database prefixes.
  • Support and Recovery: Access free community support, a dedicated Solid Security support team, and recover from hacks with regular backups.

Solid Security operates under the GNU General Public License, offering comprehensive security features to fortify your WordPress site against evolving cyber threats.

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