YARPP – Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
The premier WordPress plugin for showcasing related posts. Streamlined and versatile, it boasts a robust, proven algorithm and an integrated caching system for optimal performance.
2>Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) is a meticulously maintained, highly adaptable, high-performance, and feature-rich WordPress plugin designed to showcase pages, posts, and custom post types related to the current entry. Elevating visitor engagement, time spent on site, and SEO impact, YARPP introduces your audience to other pertinent content on your website. Witness an increase in sessions and pageviews by installing and activating this plugin effortlessly.
Key Features:
- Advanced and customizable algorithm: YARPP employs a sophisticated algorithm that considers post titles, content, tags, categories, and custom taxonomies to find related content across your site.
- Caching: Benefit from an integrated cache system that ensures subsequent queries are exceptionally efficient and fast.
- Custom Templates and Styles: Choose from pre-built list or thumbnail templates or utilize the YARPP custom templating system for complete control over how results are styled and displayed.
- Flexible placement options: Enjoy a full range of placement choices, including automatic display options, RSS/Feed options, Block Editor (Gutenberg), [yarpp] Shortcode, Widget, YARPP functions(), and REST API.
- Language support: YARPP seamlessly integrates with all languages, including those with full-width (double-byte) characters and those without spaces between words.
- Custom post type and taxonomy support: Extend YARPP functionality to custom post types and taxonomies.
- WordPress Multisite support: YARPP is fully compatible with WordPress Multisite setups.
- bbPress forums support: Enhance your bbPress forums with YARPP support.
- WooCommerce support: Integrate YARPP seamlessly into your WooCommerce environment.
- Professionally maintained and supported: Regular updates and professional support ensure the ongoing performance and compatibility of YARPP.
YARPP Algorithm Explained:
Contribute to YARPP Translation: YARPP can be translated directly on WordPress.org. Check out the official Translator Handbook for more information.
Wide Support: YARPP stands out as the most popular and highest-rated Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, backed by over 10 years of development, 6 million downloads, translation into more than a dozen languages, professional maintenance, and active support with regular updates. Compatible with PHP 5.3 or greater, MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.1 or greater, and WordPress 3.7 or greater. Explore the FAQ for answers to common questions.