Limit Login Attempts

Restrict the rate of login attempts for each IP, including those made through cookies, with complete customization options for enhanced security measures.

Elevate the security of your WordPress website with the Limit Login Attempts plugin, a powerful tool designed to thwart brute-force attacks by intelligently restricting login attempts. This plugin goes beyond the conventional security measures by limiting both regular login attempts and those made using authentication cookies, providing a comprehensive defense against unauthorized access. Tailor the security parameters to your specific needs by customizing the number of retry attempts, ensuring that your site remains resilient in the face of malicious login attempts.

One of the standout features of this plugin is its transparent communication with users. By informing them about the remaining retry attempts or lockout time directly on the login page, the Limit Login Attempts plugin promotes user awareness and contributes to an overall secure environment. This user-friendly approach helps prevent potential frustration for legitimate users while effectively deterring unauthorized access.

Moreover, the plugin offers optional logging and email notifications, giving you the flexibility to stay informed about login activity on your site. The ability to handle servers behind reverse proxies adds to its versatility, making it suitable for a variety of server configurations.

For those seeking an additional layer of control, the plugin allows whitelisting of IPs through a filter, although caution is advised in its use. The plugin’s compatibility extends to various translations, including Bulgarian, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Persian, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.

Built on standard actions and filters, the Limit Login Attempts plugin seamlessly integrates with your WordPress site, ensuring a hassle-free experience. Prioritize the security of your website with this robust solution, providing a robust defense against potential threats and unauthorized access attempts.

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