Visual Form Builder

Create stunning and fully operational contact forms within minutes, all without the need to delve into PHP, CSS, or HTML coding.

Visual Form Builder simplifies the process of creating and managing various forms for your website from a centralized location. Crafting a fully functional contact form is a breeze, eliminating the need for PHP, CSS, or HTML coding. For enhanced features and functionality, consider upgrading to VFB Pro.

Key Features:

  • Effortless Form Building: Add fields with a single click and rearrange them through drag-and-drop.

  • Anti-SPAM System: Incorporates a logic-based anti-SPAM mechanism for effective protection.

  • Database Storage: Automatically stores form entries in your WordPress database for convenient management.

  • Dashboard Control: Manage and export form entries easily within the WordPress dashboard.

  • CSV Export: Export entries to a CSV file for external analysis.

  • Email Submissions: Forward form submissions to multiple email addresses.

  • Form Validation: Utilizes jQuery Form Validation to ensure accurate data input.

  • Confirmation Messages: Customize confirmation messages, redirect to a page or URL, and send email receipts.

  • Field Types: Offers diverse field types such as Text input, Textarea, Checkbox, Radio, Select dropdown, Address, Date, Email, URL, Currency, Number, Time, Phone, HTML, File Upload, and more.

  • Entries Management: Efficiently handle submitted entries with features like bulk export, bulk delete, advanced filtering, and search functionality.

  • Customized Notifications: Tailor confirmation messages and send personalized emails to users with additional HTML-formatted text.

  • SPAM Protection: Integrates a simple yet effective text CAPTCHA verification system for robust SPAM protection.

Visual Form Builder empowers you to design and manage forms effortlessly, ensuring a seamless experience for both users and administrators.

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